2018 10 06
Technology My Own Kubectl 101 kubectx - Fast way to switch between clusters and namespaces in kubectl Announcing Limited Availability of DigitalOcean Kubernetes 連 DigitalOcean 都開始支援 Managed Kubernetes (Kubernetes as a Service) 了 Kubernetes Ingress 101: NodePort, Load Balancers, and Ingress Controllers EKS 的一些筆記 一些基本的掃盲 在 AWS S3 及 CloudFront CDN 上架設 SPA (Single Page Applications) bradwestfall/S3-Static-Sites.md Using AWS CloudFront to serve an SPA hosted on S3 記得要在 CloudFront 的 Error Pages 內,建立 2 個 custom error response 將 404 及 403 錯誤都導向 /index.