Startup Books 《程天縱的管理力:企業經營、新創發展、掌握趨勢不可或缺的28個觀念與工具》 Tech SRE Skills Web Developer Roadmap 2018 - DevOps part Operating System [v] Linux Cloud [V] GCP [v] AWS Azure Configuration Management [v] Ansible [v] SaltStack Terraform CI / CD [v] Jenkins Drone CircleCI Container [V] Docker Web Servers [v] Nginx [v] Apache Monitoring and Alerting [v] Zabbix Prometheus Nagios Log Management and Analysis ELK Graylog Cloud / Cluster Managements [V] Kubernetes Docker Swarm Service Mesh Conduct Istio Cloud Computing 15-319 / 15-619 - Cloud Computing (Spring 2017) 15-319 / 15-619 - Cloud Computing (Spring 2018) Blockchain Ethereum Smart Contract Solidity Truffle ERC-20 token Web3.