Cover Photo: 好市多採買


  • 閱讀與觀察 2019 CNCF 調查結果

    Namespaces are the most popular way to separate Kubernetes applications for all respondents, including those with multiple teams

  • How to set up GitLab Single Sign-On with Google G Suite

      # OmniAuth Configuration
      gitlab_rails['omniauth_enabled'] = true
      gitlab_rails['omniauth_external_providers'] = ['saml']
      gitlab_rails['omniauth_allow_single_sign_on'] = ['saml']
      gitlab_rails['omniauth_sync_email_from_provider'] = 'saml'
      gitlab_rails['omniauth_block_auto_created_users'] = false
      gitlab_rails['omniauth_auto_link_ldap_user'] = false
      gitlab_rails['omniauth_sync_profile_from_provider'] = ['saml']
      gitlab_rails['omniauth_sync_profile_attributes'] = ['email']
      gitlab_rails['omniauth_auto_link_saml_user'] = true
      # Uncomment this once you 100% ready to use SSO
      # gitlab_rails['omniauth_auto_sign_in_with_provider'] = 'saml'
      gitlab_rails['omniauth_providers'] = [
          # G-Suite
          'name': 'saml',
          'args': {
                  'assertion_consumer_service_url': '',
                  'idp_cert_fingerprint': 'XX:DD:90:D2:15:9F:12:78:D5:XX:XX:88:XX:6E:XX:FD:XX:60:XX:B1',
                  'idp_sso_target_url': '',
                  'issuer': '',
                  'name_identifier_format': 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress',
                  'attribute_statements': { 'email': ['emailAddress'] }
          'label': 'G Suite'


  • How to sell a B2B product

    1. Not sales, consulting
    2. Getting a first meeting
    3. The before and after states
    4. Required capabilities
    5. How we do it (better)
    6. Closing with The Mantra

    這三年其中一項就是在賣網路服務給企業,也是標準的 B2B 模式,自覺還有太多地方需要加強。